Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Guide me there

Good morning, friends.
It's been so long since our last post, and for that I am truly sorry.

I wanted to talk a bit today about something that has been weighing heavy on my heart.
The idea, simply, is mentorship.
My questions to you are, what is your definition of biblical mentorship? What do you think it means? What do you think it looks like, or ought to look like? And, most importantly, do you have have or need it in your life?

For some time now, I've been strongly advocating something like accountability. Something that helps us stay on the straight and narrow, if you will. But for months, I have had this ache that suggests to me that we need something more than that. We need those Paul-Barnabas-Timothy relationships (someone to learn from, someone to walk with, someone to teach). My fear is that we spend all of our energy on finding those Barnabas relationships (which, in truth, are often so hard to come by).
But what about the Pauls? The Timothys? Who is mentoring you? Who are you teaching?

I'd love to see a more formal -- or at least, more intentional -- effort at creating mentorship opportunities, but it's a hard hill to climb. It can be difficult finding people who "fit" you, folks you can trust enough to learn from. We're all looking for the genuine article, here, and we've been so often disappointed. And so it requires a lot of faith and willingness to be raw. (Scared yet?)

Is this something you're up for? We know it would require time and an intentional effort -- things that sometimes seem too much to give.

My heart for this has come from the realization that we soon will inherit the church. That shift may have already begun. And for those of us who are mothers: We are raising up the church of the future.
Our husbands might be future elders, if not pastors.
How better can we walk the road before us if we have a guide, if we learn from those farther along on the path?
Ladies, you know it takes tremendous strength just to meet the day. It takes courage to deal with just today, right? How much more, then, should we shoring up for the days ahead?
The truth is, I would be much better off today if I had adequately prepared for it a season ago in my life.

As far as I can tell, this is our best shot at 20/20 foresight.

So, how is this done? How do I find a mentor? How do I find a young woman to share my journey with?
Or, you might disagree entirely. Maybe mentorship isn't necessary, in your eyes. Maybe formal relationships aren't what you are looking for. Tell me why. I'd love to engage in a real discussion about this.

Think about it, and let's talk.

Grace and peace,