I had the good fortune of harvesting the first grapes from our vine this weekend. The fruit is small but beautiful and sweet.
The whole process reminded me of God's grace.
See, I didn't water much this summer, and we had pretty much left the grapevine for dead. Some bugs had set up camp in its leaves, and we were certain it was a lost cause.
And yet, there it was this weekend, full and firm. That plant overcame a lot -- including neglect -- to offer us its fruits.
Such is the way of grace.
How many times have I felt there was no hope? How many times had I thought of giving up on myself, or on someone else? How many times have passersby wondered whether I'll make it through the season?
Yet even when it looks like there is nothing that will grow us, nurture us, there is the unseen: grace. And that grace brings out my good fruit.
Sure, these grapes are tiny, but they are lovely explosions of sugary pulp and juice just the same. The fruit is spare but still good. And in the journey, a story of hope... not unlike "Redeeming Love."
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